(502) 266-7007
About Our Emergency Service
Meet Our Emergency Doctors
Jeff Smith, DVM, DACVECC, Medical Director
Dr. Jeff Smith is a 1996 graduate of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine. He completed an internship with Purdue University in 1997. Dr. Smith completed an emergency and critical care residency at Animal Emergency Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1997-1998) and Louisville Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Services in Louisville, KY (2003-2005).
Kari Owens, DVM
Dr. Kari Owens is a 2012 graduate of Michigan State College of Veterinary Medicine. She completed an internship with Auburn University in 2013.
Alex Broomell, VMD, Emergency Services Director
Dr. Broomell attended Rutgers University for college and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, in 2018. Following graduation, she moved to Louisville and went on to complete her rotating internship with MVES. After completion, she worked as a full time emergency clinician in Tennessee before returning to MVES in 2020. Dr. Broomell is the Emergency Services Director and full time emergency clinician.
Dr. Broomell currently resides in Louisville with her husband, baseball-themed dog crew of 4, two cats, and recently welcomed a baby girl. When not at work, she enjoys spending time with her family, exploring new restaurants, and most importantly, being a new mom.
James Redmon, DVM
Dr. Jimmy Redmon is a 2005 graduate of Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. He completed an internship with Louisiana State University in 2006.
Monica King, DVM
Taylor Marshall, BVetMed(Hons)
Dr. Taylor Marshall is a 2019 graduate of The Royal Veterinary College in London, England.  Before and during veterinary school Dr.Marshall worked as a veterinary technician in general practice, emergency and surgery, as well as veterinary reception for the out of hours services at RVC.  Her interests within veterinary medicine include FIP, ultrasonography, cytology and RECOVER initiative standard CPR.  She is based here in Louisville with her partner James and their two cats Zoë and Tamara.  In her free time she and her partner enjoy exploring the Louisville area and returning to England to visit family and friends. Her hobbies include DIY home improvements, craft food/beer, and cooking. She joined Metropolitan in 2019.

Katelyn Buren, DVM

Dr. Katelyn Buren was born and raised in Louisville, KY. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Kentucky in 2017 and is a 2021 graduate of Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. Her professional interests include ultrasonography, toxicology, trauma, transfusion medicine, and client communication. 

In her free time, Katelyn loves spending time with her husband, Evan, their family, and her dog, Ollie. Her hobbies include traveling, cooking, gardening, boating, and basically any outdoor activity. 

Katelyn joined the MVES team in June 2021 and is happy to be able to provide care to you and your pets when needed the most! 

Morgan Miller, DVM

Dr. Morgan Miller attended Murray State University where she played soccer and graduated from Auburn University Vet School in 2020. Following graduation she worked in General Practice in Tennessee and then in Florida before moving back to KY to become an ER doctor at MVES in 2021. She has a German Shephard named Zana and her professional interests include ultrasound, internal medicine and intensive care.

In her free time, Morgan loves coaching soccer, golfing, being on the water and traveling the U.S.

Julia Niemann, DVM

Dr. Julia Niemann attended Eastern Kentucky University for college and is a 2022 graduate of the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Her love for emergency medicine began in the equine hospital and quickly grew to encompass dogs and cats. Her professional interests include staying up to date on current evidence-based practices in order to bring the best quality care to your pet in their time of need!

Dr. Niemann is currently based out of Jeffersontown, Ky. On her days off, you can find her at the gym, attending a live music event or enjoying any outdoor activity that includes her two rescue pups – Troy and Bones. 

Julia joined the MVES team in July 2022 as part of their new accelerated internship program, prior to transitioning to a full-time emergency clinician. 

Bailey Ross, DVM

Dr. Bailey Ross attended the University of Kentucky for her undergraduate degree and graduated from Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2022. While at Auburn she served as the Student Government Association President at the veterinary college, as well as worked in the small animal ICU. Her professional interests include neurology, critical care, feline medicine, and client education and communication. 

As a Louisville native, Dr. Ross was excited to return home and join the team at Metropolitan. She currently lives with her husband and their beloved cats, and they are expecting to welcome a new baby to their family here soon! In her free time, Dr. Ross enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and exploring the outdoors.